me |
3. i live in berkeley, california update: i live in milwaukie, oregon
4. i lived in portland, oregon until i was 22
5. i work at a rabbit-only animal shelter. it's my first job. update: not anymore
6. i love animals
7. i have an awesome boyfriend, david update: we got married on 12/31/13!
8. i acquired him in august of 2008
9. i have two cats: loki and binky update: binky died :( i now have loki and kid a update 2: i now have cookie, also
10. my two dogs, bubble and whiley, are living with my parents in kelso, washington update: they are now living in milwaukie, oregon update 2: i now have third dog, cally -- she lives with me
12. favorite bands include switchfoot, radiohead, wolf parade, u2, wilco, interpol and jars of clay
13. i like photography
14. i like computers
15. i have social phobia
16. i have a friend in portland, her name is tara update: she's not in portland now, she travels all over the place
17. she graduated stanford
18. i've graduated nothing
david and i |
20. i like snow, and the ocean, and the mountains, and sunsets, and city lights
21. i have hypothyroidism
22. i have three half syblings: two brothers and a sister
23. i have two nieces and a nephew
24. i like making websites but my skills are becoming outdated
25. my favorite animals to have as pets are dogs, cats, rabbits, rats and ferrets
26. i have red hair and it gets me a lot of attention
27. i wear glasses now, but i see pretty well without them
28. i like going to san francisco, but i don't do it often because it's expensive update: now i don't even live in california anymore
29. i like looking at the golden gate bridge
30. i don't have a license or a car (but wish i did)
31. i don't tolerate cold temperatures well
32. i don't tolerate pain well
33. i spend tons of time with david, he is a huge part of my life update: now he's my husband!
34. i currently work three days a week: friday, saturday and sunday update: it's now sunday, monday, tuesday and every other saturday (as if anyone cares...) update 2: i now work 0 days a week
35. i got my GED at the age of 16 (high school sucked)
36. i took some college classes, mostly computer and photography
37. i had selective mutism when i was young, but wasn't diagnosed until eighth grade
38. so going to school was a nightmare
39. i don't eat vegetables
loki and binky |
41. my mom has congestive heart failure, it's scary
42. my aunt has cancer update: my aunt no longer has cancer... in the non-victorious way
43. that's not good news for me, is it?
44. i believe in Jesus
45. but i don't go to church
46. because i work on sundays update: i don't work on sundays now, but still am not going to church
47. my favorite thing to eat is pizza
49. especially pizza with pepperoni and ricotta
50. comfort foods: cream of wheat with lots of milk in it, macaroni and cheese (the good kind, not the kraft kind), potato puffs from gregoire
52. i am addicted to chocolate
53. i prefer dark chocolate because it is tastier and it hurts my teeth less
54. sugary things hurt my teeth
55. cold water hurts my teeth
56. cold anything hurts my teeth
57. i prefer gelato over ice cream
58. i don't watch movies much and very little tv update: i watch netflix all the time
59. i don't read much but i'm trying to change that update: i failed at changing that
60. i like to write but it would be so much easier if it didn't require so much hand movement
bubble |
62. i like to play video games
63. i play older ones, not new shiny ones update: i finally got new games update 2: i still like the older ones
64. my favorites are tetris and mario kart
65. i have a super nintendo and playstation 2 update: and a wii and a nintendo 3ds update 2: emulators
66. i like pretty white fluffy clouds
67. i like stars
68. i like the sky
69. i like taking pictures of everything
70. especially animals
71. i hate onions
72. i can't stand onions
73. i will not eat onions and i hate they way they hurt my eyes
74. i also hate cigarette smoke
75. i was subjected to a lot of it when i was young
76. then i had chronic bronchitis for a few years
77. now when i get colds, i often get a cough that lingers for months update: lungs are better since moving out
78. i was in the school band from sixth to eighth grade
79. i played the flute, but not well
bubble, whiley and i |
81. i was in 4H for about five or six years
82. i showed rabbits and guinea pigs at 4H shows and state and county fairs
83. one year, i showed my cat, oliver, at the county fair
84. i also showed rats, mice and hamsters that year
85. our 4H club was trying out different animals for exhibition
86. i also entered photography and art exhibits in the fairs
87. it was fun
88. i tried dog 4H for a while, but my dog wasn't very well trained
89. i was born almost a month early
90. my first word was "baby"
91. my earliest memory involves putting toys into a bucket
92. i am not good at lying
93. i can't sleep without my blanket that i've had since i was two days old
94. i also can't sleep on my back update: now i can
95. i don't have any piercings, and have no desire to poke little holes in my body in order to dangle things from them
96. i've come within 15 minutes of death
97. my absolute favorite thing to do is to go to a concert of a band i really like, get in the front by the stage, and SING!
98. i've made juice out of pizza
99. and poptarts
100. i am disturbed by all of the pointlessness in life, but have become too complacent to do anything about it
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